This was an app design and concept created to help streamline traveling with pets. Throughout the project, we conducted primary research, secondary research, and market research. The research led to us finding a need for this app that would help pet owners travel with their pets. Conducted user tests during the design process of the low-fidelity screens, mid-fidelity screens, and the high-fidelity screens. It was important to have a variety of users test the app from different demographics in the United States. The app ZOOMEEZ includes a book now feature with partnered airlines, lodging, and vehicle travel, emergency vet hotline, calendar with deadlines and trip itinerary, and home page with individual pet profiles. My role in the project was conducting research, creating visuals, video creation, and the app development of Figma. When traveling with pets, many people experience confusion, frustration, and a sense of helplessness. Information is difficult to find and consolidate, papers and documentations are easily lost, and pet-friendly locations are not well advertised. With all of these difficulties facing travelers, pets are often left behind, or travels are all together abandoned. A pet-friendly travel application that assists its users in all aspects of traveling with their furry friends. 
Focus: App Identity, User Experience, Interface Design
Role: Research Lead, App Development, Video Development, Visual Creation
Media: Figma, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator
Style Tile
Style Tile
Data Points
Data Points

Website Landing Page

Walk Through Video

ZOOMEEZ Sponsored Airport Environment
ZOOMEEZ Sponsored Airport Environment
Airport Cart
Airport Cart
Airport Signage
Airport Signage
Plane Ticket
Plane Ticket

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